Concept for a new city in the Sakhalin region. The master plan proposed by the consortium I took part in is based on the principles of resilence, circular economy and the fourth energy transition.

Sakhalin is an energy-intensive region. Currently flows of raw materials (oil, gas, natural resources) and manufactured products (food and fisheries) cross the island and are channeled through the port of Korsakov. Ecopolis has the opportunity to capture and reuse these flows.

Project proposes to convert local economy, currently based on the production of non renewable energy sources, into a value production chain through minimizing transportation of natural resources and maximizing waste upcycling to make a more sustainable use of the raw and processed resources while fostering local economies.

Our concept proposes to connect the existing production flows in order to turn outputs into inputs of other processes.

A hybrid system of distributed facilities scattered in the city to collect and upcycle inorganic waste produced by the neighboring city of Korsakov and the port. This is combined with a centralized waste processing facility located in the north side of the area where organic waste is heated and converted into electricity.

The city is also designed to become a hydrogen city by integrating hydrogen into its economy and infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions. Key points of integration include blue and green hydrogen production and storage as well as hydrogen-fueled public transit such as buses and trains.
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